Sunday, June 19, 2005

My First 'Tagged Post'

My college/blog friend, ullu boy, tagged me and hence this post !

Three Names I Go By : (Forced to go by, at times)
Johnny Boy - Its the way my mom calls me sometimes ( when in good mood that is), and my close friends call me by this name..
Monne - Looks like my friend Ramakrishnan has taken a liking to this name :) Actually 'monne' in malayalam ( my mother tongue ) means 'boy'.
Bull ( very rarely tho ) - Got this name in office, for 2 reasons
1) cos of all the gymming that I did before joining L&T :) After college during the hols, we friends used to gym regularly as we had nothing else to do!!
2) cos of some 'huge' sixes, when we used to play at our office grounds, every saturday :))

Three screen names:
backinurface - Well this is my email ID at most mail servers. Many people do not know the reason behind this name, 'backinurface' is a song, by one of my fav bands 'Def Leppard'
summer spice - Used to be an old chat ID, disposed it long back :)
Johnny boy - My fav screen name :)

Three Physical Things You Like About Yourself:
My Biceps - Results of a lotta hard work at the gym :) considering how thin I was when I was in school!
My Triceps - ditto
My Palms - Jus like that :)

Three Physical Things You Don’t Like About Yourself:
My Left Shoulder - Its such a pain 'near' the neck !! :) My left shoulder has been hurting badly, past few months!
My 'Beard' - lol, I hardly have one, but whenever it sprouts up, I make sure I take it off! I hate hair on my face, and thankfully, I am not blessed with much of it!! :) One of the few things I dont complain about, at all!
My Eyes - cos there is nothin special about it :) lol, jus kiddin, added for the sake of completing 3 points, I hold nothing against my eyes!!

Three Things That Scare Me:
Riding the bike with lorries/buses on either side -> this is a worst case scenario, your probabilities are very bad!
Phone Bill - This time, my dad's gonna kick me out the second he sees the phone bill. Thanks to blogging, I have been on the internet for hours together!
The sight of my friend 'Regi' running in to bowl, when I am batting. Eventually his bowling turns out to be very 'friendly' :) but the look on his face, gives the impression that he's gonna bowl at 150kmph! Actual speed - 50kmph. In fact, he runs in to bowl faster than his actually bowling speed :-) kiddin dude...

Three Things I Want To Do Badly Right Now:
Night study at Rama's house, atleast just once more! To bring back memories of how we used to 'study' the night before university exams....
A trip to college by car (4320) with all 8 of us friends, aboard !! And all the chaos that comes with it too.. haha
Get through with this post real soon !!

Three Places I Want To Go On A Vacation:
New Zealand
Somewhere in the Himalayas ( such that I get to return back ! )

Three Kiddy Names I Like :
Mollu - kiddy name for a small girl
Chakkudoo - general kiddy name ( usually comes with a lot of affection )
Waawa - kiddy name for a child(All these kiddy names are malayalam words ) :-)

Three Things To Do Before I Die :
Drive/(Maybe own) a ferrari....
Score a 100 in a cricket match, in front of atleast 200 spectators :-)
Make sure I get a 6 pack !

Total Number Of Films I Own On DVD/Video:
Not much of a movie collector. I might have a few VCDs and maybe 5 DVDs. I dont much care for watching movies on disc. Prefer going to the theatre!

Three Of Your Everyday Essentials:
An hour of music
A glass of juice
And a lot of FUN :-)

Three Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
Actually , thts it... I am at home, and I live in chennai, and its summer... need any more explanations ?? haha ....

Finally, the tag post comes to an end !! Heaving a huge sigh of relief ?? You are entitled to, so go ahead !!


divyasurendiran said...

Waawa -- sounds cute : )

ioiio said...

I actually liked the other own.. something like chikkudoo..

Six PACK Huh..Fitness freak aayaacho!

johnny boy said...

Divya -> Yes its a cute name, almost every child in kerala is called a 'waawa' atleast for the first year....

Aiyo -> Its chakkudooo, and not 'chik'kudoo :)) alwez keep thinkin of that :) lol kiddin dude

ioiio said...

hehehehe.. CHIK-kudoo wud have been a better name than chakkudoo anyway..

Ram Subramanian said...

Monne .. Bull ..gym.. you?? Big Sixes ?? lol!! lol!! rofl!!

But i Should accept, you hit me for a couple of big ones !!

johnny boy said...

Rama -> lol , what to do, such is the situation :)
I hit u for a couple of biggies, fine, but then what about the "lambs to the slaughter" bowlers in our gang?? haha , jus kiddin :))

ioiio said...

Once in a week bloggingaaa?

Ram Subramanian said...

Jon , too long between posts, I lose interest !!!

ioiio said...

Btw ppl follow the link to "RamaRajyam" in my blogroll and goto the comments section of the post with a foto of beer bottles/cocktail glasses. He has listed all the crezzie bloggers there

Anonymous said...

Just wanted some food for my idle mind and hence went thr' ur old blog:)
Good one mone;)
>>Three Things I Want To Do Badly Right Now:
I wonder,why that "music composition" has not taken any place in this three things:'(
